These are some of the outputs from a personal photography journey, spanning over ten years’ of travelling, learning and experimentation.

I’m a firm believer in the saying that “the best camera, is the one you have on you”. This I think is evidenced by the fact that for the first six of my ten years’ taking photos, I used only my phone. Some of the images shown here are from this period.

It is impossible to always be prepared. You cannot have the perfect gear for every occasion. In fact, more often than not, you are woefully under equipped to capture an image as you intended.

Instead, much like in life, we must do our best with the tools available to us. We must know what our tools are capable, know their tendencies and characteristics, and make the most with what we have. I hope my photos reflect this.

These images are mainly taken from the last five years of my exploits. I tend not to approach photography with any particular goal, rather I aim to capture moments that are particularly striking, or represent points in time that hold particular meaning in my life.

Overall, my pieces tend to feature general themes of symmetry alongside the contrast between synthetic and natural.

Hence the name, symmthetic.

If you want to see more of my work, please check out my instagram @symmthetic. Also linked above.

Thank you for visiting.